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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Possible Fate of the Two-Thirds Gender Bill

Though I agree with the intentions of the Two-thirds Gender Bill in bridging the gender inequality gap and fulfillment of the Constitutional obligation, I feel the timing of the Bill might contribute to its failure.

The Bill has come at a time where the country is facing economic downturn and every citizen is feeling the pinch as a result of the increased tax burden, a time when corruption rate is at its fever pitch, a time when the populous feel they are over represented. It is also a time when people are questioning the contributions of the minority gender in Parliament and County Assemblies and when the call for a referendum to amend the constitution has taken a top gear.

The intentions of the Bill would be agreeable to majority of Kenyans, however the financial burden it adds to the tax payers at this point in time is what is taking center stage in most discussion quotas. 

It is in light of the above that I am skeptical as to whether the Bill will survive and gain the public approval it requires to pass into law.


Thursday, March 29, 2018


I wish to pass my congratulations to the honorables UHURUTO and your government machinery for work well done in the recent development of the Nation Kenya in the following actions:
  • ·    You have managed to handle and silence Miguna the ‘General’ in the best way possible on our so called International Airport and in full glare of the general public and International Community. Even daring to trigger an International crisis infringing the on the Rights of foreign citizen traveling through our Airport.
  • ·      During your reign you have taken bold steps to prove to your subjects and International community that Kenya is a lawless State. You have shown that the Rule of Law applies selectively to some people and that there are those who are above the law as a result of the position they hold in your regime, hence justifying the contemptuous statement made that our great Country is a “shithole country”.
  • ·  Your regime has managed in several occasions to equivocally teach the general citizenry that Court orders are just mere opinions written on paper and have no binding effect. It is now clear to the Kenyan public that the Executive is superior to all other arms of the government and all Kenyans who want ultimate power should strive to be in the Executive; ignore the tenets of the Constitution that mandates the Judiciary and the Legislature to check on the excesses of powers of the Executive.
  • ·       In your reign you have reminded the Kenyan Citizens that we enjoy our Human Rights as enshrined in the Constitution at the sole discretion of your Executive. The Freedom of Expression can only be enjoyed by any Citizen to the extent that they do not criticize your government actions.
  • ·   The Kenyan public stands guided that the Freedom of  the Media only applies to the extent of its coverage of the beautiful documentaries of your great government ‘achievements’ and your public relations promos that I must commend you are brilliant leaders in.
  • ·    In your great and mighty reign you have sent a clear message to all Kenyans that we hold our citizenship at the mercy of the state. So we either sing in your great choir of the mirage successes of your government in developing this great Nation Kenya; by increasing its debt levels to unbearable rates and leaving the problem to be solved by future regimes and taxpayers; by graciously ensuring in your watch corruption levels goes up and the corrupt catwalk majestically with impunity because of their high connections to you. Failure to sing in this great choir, Kenyans risk getting a free one way air ticket to any chosen destination of the Executive.
  • ·   Congratulations are in order for showing your subjects how to stand your ground and being true to your position: In 2010 you both voted and lead a tenacious opposition against the current Constitution and yet it was passed by majority of Kenyans who valued the hope of a new down that a Constitutional change would bring. Yet when you both ascended to power you ensured/lead your regime in blatant violation and undermined this constitution that you did not vote for, yet you were made to swear to uphold it.

Again we say congratulations your Excellencies for showing the World how to manage this perceived ‘SHITHOLE NATION’.
 Written by -
      Marlon Konchellah

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I will be discussing the effect of the above amendment on the forth coming elections and future of election laws in Kenya.

Monday, July 20, 2015


As the country awaits the arrival of the leader of the 'Free World'; President Barrack Obama, it should be noted that our Constitution protects under Article 33 Freedom of Expression.
Obama is free to express his views and opinion on various topics as the United States of America thinks Kenya can do better on. Whether he will choose to address the subject of minority rights( guys and lesbians) or corruption in the country as far as am concerned those will be his personal views or the US views which Kenya is under no obligation to implement but only to consider for implementation.

I thus hold a contrary opinion to those who are seeking to muzzle or keep Obama off from addressing specific contentious issues on grounds that under our Constitution any person including visiting heads of states enjoys Freedom of Expression. The country is under no obligation to implement the ideas and opinions given by any visiting head of state, there exist processes to change policies and legislation, hence it need not be a big fuss on what President Obama is going to say or choose to address. Focus should be however on the benefits the country can reap from close tires with America and from the indirect benefits of the visit.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Their are two legislation in the pipeline being fronted by both the National Land Commission and the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development separately. The two Bills intend to a achieve a similar objective of regulating planning by aligning the Physical Planning Act to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 before the August set deadline.

This two Bills are the Physical Planning Bill and Land Use planning Bill.

It would be of importance to look at the proposal in the two Bills that might improve planning in Kenya by reducing the influence of the 'rules of experts' and facilitating citizen participation in planning.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Are Kenyan youth really interested in forming "THE NATIONAL YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AUTHORITY"?
THE NATIONAL YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AUTHORITY BILL 2015 has been introduced in parliament by Hon. Sakaja.
It is my feeling that this Bill is not well thought out and only attempts to institutionalize a structure whose functions and purpose are not well defined.
What is your take?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Is the referendum push to amend the Constitution warranted?

I strongly feel that the referendum push to amend the constitution is premature and lack material content to warrant a referendum. I say this with no affiliation to any of the two political divides.